"Squid Game" all but took over the world when the first season premiered on Netflix in 2021. It's a decidedly macabre show, following a dark, secret organization hosting a set of games that end in 43 billion won for one and certain death for all others. But that morbidity, set against a plot filled with children's games, had us all absolutely engrossed.
So, naturally, the second season premiered to a lot of fanfare. And while the first few episodes had us thinking the games would take the same route, it turns out we were surprised with new ways to torment the characters.
Still, a fan favorite game — ppopgi — returned in a sense during season 2. After Red Light, Green Light, our protagonist, Gi-hun, understandably believes ppopgi is up next for him and the other couple hundred people who survived round 1, a game that requires cutting a shape out of a hard candy without cracking it. He warns the group about which shape to choose to make the game as easy as possible...and then dreams that he's unwittingly led them astray. Alas, the game is not ppopgi, and you can go watch how that goes for everyone.
We remember that, in season 1, Gi-hun took to licking his dalgona candy in order to cut out a perfect umbrella shape...
Dalgona Candy:
- 2 tbsp white or light brown sugar
- Pinch of baking soda
- Melt sugar on the stovetop until caramelized, stirring as it melts
- Remove from heat and stir in baking soda
- Continue stirring until the mixture takes on a light caramel color
- Pour onto parchment paper using a ladle
- Allow to cool and harden for about 1 minute before enjoying
- Use a cookie cutter to imprint a shape into the middle
- Add a stick to make an on-the-go lollipop-esque treat