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It’s simple! In a food processor, pulse chickpeas, tahini (if that’s your thing), lemon juice, garlic, cumin, salt and a generous amount of olive oil until the mixture is smooth and creamy. Done and done.
Once you’ve prepared the original recipe, scoop it into a bowl and top it with two big spoonfuls of diced and roasted garlic and olive oil to give your dip a fragrant, flavorful punch.
You can either top a bowl of classic hummus with a few spoonfuls of diced roasted red peppers or blend them directly into the mix for an earthy flavor throughout.
You can either use store-bought tapenade or make your own! Olive tapenade can be easily prepared by finely dicing olives, capers and anchovies and mixing it with some olive oil, lemon juice and garlic. If you’d rather keep your hummus vegan or vegetarian, just leave the anchovies out!
Be sure to roast your beets before adding them to the food processor with the rest of your ingredients to ensure your hummus comes out smooth and cream (and red!).
Chocolate hummus might sound crazy, but it’s a trendy food that gains more popularity every day! To make this sweet dessert dip, sub out agave or maple syrup, cocoa powder and vanilla extract for the lemon juice, garlic, cumin and olive oil from the original recipe.